Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As I know, some of you guys don't really play dominion, but for those who do here's the adivce that i could give you:
  • When the games start off, 1 should go bot, 1 should go mid, and the other three should go top
  • Only have more than one person bot if multiple champions are attacking bot or if you feel as though you need to take their bot tower. Never have two bot pushing the whole game, its a recipe for losing.
  • Dying is a bit more acceptable in Dominion, especially if you are dying to defend a turret or take a turret. Respawn time is way less in Dominion, so it doesn't have as big as an effect since you won't be gone that long
  • Use the turrets to your advantage, if you're just defending a turret then don't venture far from it because your just exposed without any help.
  • Killing opposing minion can be helpful if you are trying to push a capture point by yourself. Gathering a large group of minions and having them take their point can be a real big help because the opposing champion (or champions) now have you and the minions to worry about taking the point.
  • In the event of an AFK, there is no easy way to win, but there is ways to give yourself a better chance. Instead of sending 1 bot, 2 top, 1 mid or whatever combination you choose, send 1 mid and 3 bot. Take thier bot tower too because there will only be one champion there defending it. This way you will 3 points, and if they decide to come bot and try to take it back, then send 2 top and take that point, as the other 2 defend. If at any point you have three turrets, whichever way you may get them, ONLY DEFEND. You will not win if you go out and try to kill them, they have you outnumbered. I'm not saying this is going to lead to victory, but it is the best chance you have.
  • If their is buffs in the middle of the map, make sure somebody useful gets it, like a Tanky DPS or somebody along those lines. A Yi with great attack speed will have more use to that buff than a Rammus or Alistar that already has a lot of health.


  1. You rock! Oh, you are sooooo wise in your years. :] Thumbs up!

  2. Wow I had never thought about that for when there is an AFK, pretty good idea
