Friday, November 18, 2011

Farming Correctly

Now I'm pretty sure most of you know how to farm, but here is my suggestions for farming more succesfuly:
  • Only worry about last hits, don't worry about doing damage to the minions. Last hits guarantee getting the gold while still getting the experience
  • Try not to worry about the other champion. I you can harass them thats great, but if you can't just try to avoid confrontations with them. It works out fine when you kill them, but when you don't if forces you to have to go back to base, thus you miss out on experience and gold.
  • Try not to push too much. If you have a 2v1 advantage in your lane then try not to push all the way to the opponents tower. If you do, then you can no longer get minion kills because its too risky to attack near the opposing teams turret. It turns it into a 2v2 because they have the champion and the turret.
Remember these rules generally apply to early game only, late game you can 2v1 a champion at a turret because you can take more damge. If I missed anything or you think there are better ways to do this, feel free to comment below

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ganking Insurance

As we all know your champion is an asset to you guys (if you're a serious player), so protecting him (or her) is important. The way a lot of champions can get killed is by ganking, and there are several ways to avoid them. First of all you can try to not get overextended. Taking a tower and trying to push more can lead to a lot of ganking because it just creates more area's to be attacked, and it also takes longer to get to your turret. I'm not saying to not keep pushing, I'm just saying to be careful. Second of all you can get sight wards. These allow you to be able to see the area around wherever you placed them, so it is important to place them in the bushes or in river where a possible gank can come from. If you are pushing mid this is especially important because there is simply more places where you can get ganked from. There are certain champions that have natural wards, like Shaco and Teemo, so these champions can be very useful to your team. Lastly if you talk a lot of crap on people, expect to get ganked a lot. I know when people try to talk crap I go in to gank them more often just for revenge, so watch what you say to other summoners.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


As I know, some of you guys don't really play dominion, but for those who do here's the adivce that i could give you:
  • When the games start off, 1 should go bot, 1 should go mid, and the other three should go top
  • Only have more than one person bot if multiple champions are attacking bot or if you feel as though you need to take their bot tower. Never have two bot pushing the whole game, its a recipe for losing.
  • Dying is a bit more acceptable in Dominion, especially if you are dying to defend a turret or take a turret. Respawn time is way less in Dominion, so it doesn't have as big as an effect since you won't be gone that long
  • Use the turrets to your advantage, if you're just defending a turret then don't venture far from it because your just exposed without any help.
  • Killing opposing minion can be helpful if you are trying to push a capture point by yourself. Gathering a large group of minions and having them take their point can be a real big help because the opposing champion (or champions) now have you and the minions to worry about taking the point.
  • In the event of an AFK, there is no easy way to win, but there is ways to give yourself a better chance. Instead of sending 1 bot, 2 top, 1 mid or whatever combination you choose, send 1 mid and 3 bot. Take thier bot tower too because there will only be one champion there defending it. This way you will 3 points, and if they decide to come bot and try to take it back, then send 2 top and take that point, as the other 2 defend. If at any point you have three turrets, whichever way you may get them, ONLY DEFEND. You will not win if you go out and try to kill them, they have you outnumbered. I'm not saying this is going to lead to victory, but it is the best chance you have.
  • If their is buffs in the middle of the map, make sure somebody useful gets it, like a Tanky DPS or somebody along those lines. A Yi with great attack speed will have more use to that buff than a Rammus or Alistar that already has a lot of health.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Concerning My Blog

I apologize for those of you that have read my blog and have found my color scheme interfering with my text, i have changed that and hope that it is easier to read. I also apologize for writing so bady, i know that i misspelled a lot of words and i am really a better writer, i just got lazy. Sorry for those who follow this and i promise that i will write better and spell my words correctly

Shaco Jungling

So I just recently started jungling with Shaco and let me tell you, it takes a while to get used to. For Shaco you have to place your boxes in the right place and i kept messing that up, i got killed by Blue a couple of times (I know embarrasing). But once you learn how to jungle it is very rewarding, especially because you always have buffs that help you out in team fights, and you gank a lot, so you get a lot of kills. If your jungiling, dont be afraid to ask for help on dragon, even if you can take it by yourself. One more thing, make sure you use smite, i know its obvious but some people dont get the obvious. Counter-jungling is also important. If you can, try to steal their kills. Save your smite until their monster is low health and steal it, and then if your a good jungler you will kill them right after.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Which lane is right for you?

Now some of you are wondering at the beginning of the game which lane should you choose. The best thing to do is to look at the make-up of your team to help decide. Somebody that has range should usually go mid, but just because they have range doesn't mean they should go mid. Good mid characters are Ashe, Ezreal, and Fiddlesticks. The AD carry should go bot because they do the most damage, so they should be the one that is closest to the dragon so they can take it out. Obviously get there if your a jungler then you should stay in the jungle and gank as needed. If you are a tank or a support go to top, so in reality it is 2 top, 1 mid, 1 bot, and 1 jungler. You should always try to win your lane but the most important thing you can do is not lose it, try to keep the other team from taking your turret, even if it means hugging your turret. Your teammates will always help you if you are struggling to push, especially your jungler. As long as you don't lose your lane, help should eventually come so you can push your lane.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Word of advice guys, please don't leave a match when your in the middle of it, it really makes people angry. For one, everyone else on your team suffers because it is now 4v5. Second of all, this will lead to many people reporting you for leaving, which could lead to your account being suspended, which probably sucks, i wouldnt know because i dont leave games. I know you guys have other things to do, but if your pressed for time or feel like you might not get to play a complete game then dont start one and that problem can be avoided.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Tanking, for those of you who don't know, is actually very important. A tank is basically any champion that has a lot of health and a lot of armor, but doesn't really do any damage. You guys are problably thinking to yourself that a tank isnt really effective on a team especially because he doesn't really do too much damage. In reality, having a tank while the other team doesn't gives you a clear advantage over the other team. I use to play as an Urgot, and when my team had no tank my win percentage was at about a 33 percent. Recently i have started playing as Rammus (a tank), and ive won my last 18 out of 20 matches, being a tank can make that much of a difference. A tank initiates a battle because he can take a lot of damage, and if your team is good then they should all attack while you take the damage. It is important that your team attacks while you are tanking, because if they don't they you won't really do good, you'll jsut have a lot of deaths. Tanks don't get a lot of kills though, so if you love getting kills, then don't tank. If you want more XP, then tanking is for you, because winning will get you way more XP than losing. Tanking is not easy however, so you should not worry about being bad at first, you will get better with time. Once you are a good tank, all of your deaths will be worth it, because a tank should only die to set up kills for their teammates or to take out a tower.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Advice On Getting Started

So to those of you that are new to LOL and don't know what to do, here's the advice that I can give you:
  • Keep changing champions until you are comftorable with one
  • At the beginning of games, there should be two champions top, two champions bottom, and one champion mid
  • One important thing to do at the beginning is to farm (kill minions for money and xp) so you can level up quicker
  • Be patient, these games are not ment to end in 10 to 20 minutes, dont try and rush things because you will be exposed to ganks
  • Don't attack another champion near their turret, as soon as you do thier turret will focus on you and do a lot of damage
  • If you are dying a lot, try and stay back. Nobody likes a teammate that dies a lot
  • When their is team fights, dont stay back by yourself and farm, go into the teamfight or your team will most likely lose. One more champion in a teamfight is very important especially because there is only five of you
I hope you can all find this advice useful, and if you would like advice on anything else, or feel like I forgot to mention something, feel free to leave comments

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First Blog

Hey followers I'm new at this blogging stuff, so lets see how it goes. I would like to create a blog on a very fun game League of Legends, or LOL for short. I have only been playing for two weeks, but man is this game addicting. I will attempt to show you all how i started off as a total noob and soon enough will became a pro at this game. I am currently at level 12 right now, and the highest you could possible get is level 30. I will try to share tips and other knowledge as i travel through the ranks: mastering your skills, learning to defeat other champions, and overall game play. I hope that my information is useful and that you can all follow my blog. Expect to see more posts soon.